

Basic Hourly Rate – $ 95.00


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Business Card Site

$450 ~ $800.00 [starting quote] GET IN TOUCH

Info/Brochure Site

$1200 ~ $1700 [starting quote] GET IN TOUCH

Small Business

$1200 ~ $2400 [starting quote] GET IN TOUCH

Custom Coded Site

$2400 ~ $10,000 [starting quote] GET IN TOUCH

E-commerce website


Monthly Care Plan

$150 ~ $300 LEARN MORE

Misc. Other Costs

Other Costs Involved in having a Website Get In Touch

Satisfied Customers

Eagle was a joy to work with on a technical level as well as on a personal level and could be counted on to produce high-quality work that actually solved the problems we needed to be addressed.
~ John Spiller

I worked with Eagle on several projects over the last few years. Throughout all these projects he demonstrated a high level of expertise as a web developer.  
~ Rosemary Arce                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

I have worked with Eagle in several different arena’s… and in all cases have found his domain knowledge and professionalism exceptional.  
~ James Hines